A personal message from editor Paul Miller: Share your stories...

As a matter of good publishing principle, we try to keep mention of current affairs out of Hi-Fi News. After all, something that seems of great public or political interest one day can seem incongruous if read in the context of a column or review a year or two later.

Nevertheless I feel safe in assuming that the Coronavirus pandemic, and the upheaval – both trivial and tragic – will live forever in our collective memory. So this will be a far more personal and heartfelt 'Welcome' than our regular readers might have become accustomed.

Hi-Fi News & Record Review is the world's oldest hi-fi magazine, publishing uninterrupted for 64 years. And that tradition will not be derailed by a 100nm virus. So here I am, 'self isolating' and solo at Hi-Fi News towers, surrounded by the photo studio, the lab, the listening room, more exclusive high-end audio than is decent, and all the production resource I need to keep the show on the road!

When we finally emerge, blinking in the sunlight, we'll all have our own personal tales and, provided we follow 'the rules', I sincerely hope that as few of those tales as possible will be regretful. In the meantime, many of you will have met Mrs P working on the desk and generally looking after you at our UK Hi-Fi Show Live this past six years. In the real world, she is an NHS health worker, now stationed about 60 miles away. We'll not see each other for at least another three months.

So while you'll all soon get to see and read about the great hi-fi that I am living with, I'd like you to send your pictures and stories to us at [email protected]. Tell us about your favourite music, your 'hi-fi journey' and all the tweaking and system housekeeping that you've now finally got time to indulge.

Take advantage of our great 'stay@home' subs offer available here and, particularly if you are living alone through this extraordinary period, then make a point to reach out to Hi-Fi News and your fellow audiophiles. We really are... In This Together. — Paul Miller Group Editor