Goldmund Mimesis 15/Prana Active Loudspeaker High-End Wireless

High-End Wireless

In addition to their coaxial S/PDIF digital input, located alongside the mains socket on the rear of the 'Z-frame' at floor level, the Prana speakers offer a range of wireless connection options, using a proprietary 96kHz-capable link developed by Goldmund in association with TI. This operates on the same 2.4GHz band as home Wi-Fi networks, but is a dedicated link.


At its simplest, one can use a 48kHz/16-bit USB dongle plugged into a computer and paired with the speakers using a pinhole button on the rear panel of each speaker's upper enclosure. The Pranas arrive preconfigured to the dongle with which they're supplied, and a yellow 'locking' LED confirms the connection. The computer's sound settings will then control the volume.

Geneva, Switzerland
Supplied by: Sonata, London, UK
0330 111 5653