This month we review and test releases from: Sun Ra Arkestra; Janine Jansen and Klaus Mäkelä; Arild Andersen; Trondheim Jazz Orchestra & Espen Berg; and Michael Dease
Are you a completist? Always hungry for rarities? Fellow sufferer Ken Kessler has you covered with a host of box sets offering everything from ’60s US rock to British folk
Despite streaming’s challenge to physical media, especially for the post-Boomer audience, CD box sets continue to proliferate. The most obvious benefit is diminutive size: all but two of the sets here will fit into your standard CD storage. This, of course, appeals to those who are tempted by space savings, which is why streaming and downloads have made such advances.
Hi-fi’s style icons of the ’60s are reimagined here over a half century later combining a sympathetic industrial design with a performance beyond the reach of its ancestors
It’s taken long enough but Quad has finally revived one of the best-selling pre/power amp combinations of all time. Between 1967 and 1982, 120,000 Quad 33 ‘control units’ were sold, while the 303 power amplifier remained in production until 1985 to reach 94,000 sales. So these new Quad 33 and 303 models have big shoes to fill, but retaining the original model designations and dimensions are a start. And that’s pretty much where the resemblance stops. Welcome to the 21st century.