Nagra Classic Phono Phono Preamplifier A Family Business

A Family Business

With the passing of its founder, Stefan Kudelski, in 2013 Nagra made another break from the past. Kudelski had retired in 1991, but remained as a member of the Board until 2006, and since then served as its Honorary Chairman. He left an unparalleled legacy, not least for his revolutionary work with miniature and portable tape recorders, embraced by both the film industry and the world of espionage. Since the late 1990s, Nagra has been manufacturing high-end equipment for audiophiles, designed and built to the same standards as its professional hardware, and with shared styling and functionality. In 2013 the high-end audio division was separated from the Kudelski Group, as an autonomous company called Audio Technology Switzerland, headed up by CEO, Pascal Mauroux and Audio Division Director, Matthieu Latour.

Kudelski family members remain at the helm, with son André Kudelski as Chairman and CEO of the Kudelski Group, while Marguerite Kudelski is a member of the Board of Directors. As of 2022, Audio Technology Switzerland continues to tempt us with products like the Nagra Classic Phono, while the Kudelski Group sees its security business, and IoT (Internet of Things) and cybersecurity in particular, as driving its growth in the future. PM

Audio Technology Switzerland S.A.
Lausanne, Switzerland
Supplied by: Padood Ltd, Cambridge, UK
01223 653199