MoFi MasterDeck turntable package Lab Report

Subject to refinement through 2024, the final version of the MasterDeck still uses a very robust DC motor powered by a three-channel amp and 120o phase-shifted AC waveform synthesised in DSP. The high mass (6.5kg) platter and circular-section belt are also retained. Start-up is a very leisurely ~10 seconds, if only to prevent pulley/belt slippage, but despite the ‘calibration’ routine there are still complex flutter sidebands at precisely ±25Hz, with a ±3.0Hz wow modulation, contributing to a high peak-wtd W&F of 0.34% [see Graph 1, below]. This is inferior to the largely flutter-free performance demonstrated by the 300rpm AC synchronous motor-driven StudioDeck [HFN Jan ’20] and UltraDeck [HFN Jul ’19] models. Rumble, direct from the MasterDeck’s bearing, is comparable with that seen from the Studio- and UltraDeck at –68.5dB (DIN-B wtd, re. 5cm/sec) but the MasterDeck’s heavier alloy platter, with Delrin top surface, produces a lower through-groove rumble of –70.4dB. This increases slightly to –69.5dB with the LP weight in place as the vinyl is mechanically coupled to the bearing.

Unlike the heavy 10in alloy tonearm fitted to the StudioDeck, the carbon-tubed ‘dual-pivot’ arm that partners the MasterDeck has a lower 11g effective mass, better suiting a wider range of moderate-compliance pick-ups [see boxout, p55]. The hybridised unipivot/gimbal bearing structure and separate headshell all contribute to a slightly ‘livelier’ series of resonances, including high-Q modes at 390Hz and 880Hz [see CSD waterfall, Graph 2], but the light and rigid main beam has a deferred primary bending mode at 140Hz and a harmonic or twisting mode at 210Hz. The unipivot bearing inevitably has ‘play’ but stiction/friction remains a very low <10mg in both planes. PM

ABOVE: Wow and flutter re. 3150Hz tone at 5cm/sec (plotted ±150Hz, 5Hz per minor division)

ABOVE: Cumulative resonant decay spectrum for 10in carbon tonearm, illustrating various structural support and tube vibration modes (100Hz-10kHz over 40msec)

Hi-Fi News Measured Specifications:

Turntable speed error at 33.33rpm 33.34rpm (+0.03%)
Time to audible stabilisation 9-11sec
Peak Wow/Flutter 0.15% / 0.19%
Rumble (silent groove, DIN B wtd) –70.4dB (–69.5dB with weight)
Rumble (through bearing, DIN B wtd) –68.5dB
Hum & Noise (unwtd, rel. to 5cm/sec) –55.0dB
Power Consumption 11-15W
Dimensions (WHD) / Weight 508x203x356mm / 17.0kg
MoFi Electronics
Chicago, USA
Supplied by: Karma-AV Ltd, York
Telephone: 01423 358846