Gryphon Audio Diablo 333 Integrated amplifier Lab Report

While the claimed doubling of the latest Diablo’s 333W/8ohm output to 666W/4ohm is not quite met under steady-state conditions, this massive integrated is still exceedingly powerful and offers exceptional (speaker) load tolerance. In practice, it delivers closer to 2x360W and 2x640W into 8 and 4ohm, respectively, with enough in the tank to support 451W, 895W, 1.75kW and 3.05kW into 8, 4, 2 and 1ohm loads (<1% THD) under dynamic conditions [see Graph 1]. Overall gain is a sensible +38.1dB and the A-wtd S/N ratio clocks in at a creditable 92.8dB (re. 0dBW). Distortion is lowest at ~0.01% at 30W/8ohm, increasing at lower and higher power (0.04%/1W and 0.05%/100W, all 1kHz/8ohm) but holds fairly steady with frequency. The response is very flat and extended (just –0.7dB down at 100kHz) but the output impedance of ~0.1ohm may introduce some slight modification depending on speaker load.

Digital inputs are handled by the new ES9039PRO DAC which includes the customary seven user-selectable digital filters. The flattest response is achieved by the Fast Minimum and Linear phase filters at –0.07dB/20kHz, –0.6dB/45kHz and –1.5dB/90kHz with 48kHz, 96kHz and 192kHz digital files, respectively. The 102.5dB A-wtd S/N is limited by the 1V/0dBV tape output but distortion, while low with a minimum of 0.00045% over the top 30dB of its dynamic range [see Graph 2], still shows the 3rd harmonic seen in the main amplifier itself. That said, distortion is, again, remarkably unaffected by frequency while digital jitter is spectacularly low at <5psec with all sample rates. Phase noise is also entirely absent – necessary for pin-sharp imaging – while stereo separation is very wide at >120dB midband. PM

ABOVE: Dynamic power output versus distortion into 8ohm (black trace), 4ohm (red), 2ohm (blue) and 1ohm (green) speaker loads. Maximum current is 55.2A

ABOVE: DAC3 distortion vs 48kHz/24-bit digital signal level over a 120dB range (1kHz, black; 20kHz, blue)

Hi-Fi News Measured Specifications:

Power output (<1% THD, 8/4ohm) 360W / 640W
Dynamic power (<1% THD, 8/4/2/1ohm) 451W / 895W / 1.75kW / 3.05kW
Output imp. (20Hz–20kHz Pre/Amp) 97ohm / 0.095-0.11ohm
Frequency resp. (20Hz–20kHz/100kHz) +0.06dB to –0.05dB/–0.73dB
Digital jitter (48kHz / 96kHz) <1psec / <5psec
A-wtd S/N ratio (DAC/Amp) 102.5dB (0dBFs) / 92.8dB (0dBW)
Distortion (DAC, 0dBFs/Amp, 10W) 10.0165-0.020% / 0.027-0.045%
Power consumption (Idle/Rated o/p) 195W / 1.2kW (1W standby))
Dimensions (WHD) / Weight 468x472x245mm / 50.6kg
Gryphon Audio Designs ApS, Denmark
Supplied by: Harmony HiFi, Welwyn Garden City, UK
Telephone: 01707 629345