Canton Reference 9 Standmount Lab Report

An inverted woofer/tweeter layout is designed to equalise the respective path lengths to the listener, but also demands a fine off-axis HF response uniformity. Canton’s asymmetric waveguide for its 25mm alloy tweeter is part of the solution [grey trace, Graph 1], while also ensuring a strong output, particularly above 10kHz, when the Reference 9 is auditioned on, or above, the 174mm bass/mid unit’s axis [see Graph 1]. Although the forward response is still slightly dished, it’s possible to ‘tweak’ the shape above 3kHz via the ‘±’ treble settings at the rear, offering a ±0.8dB adjustment [green traces, Graph 1]. Otherwise, we’ve seen the multiple, narrowband peaks and dips from these drivers before [HFN Sep ’24], particularly at 700Hz, and which are also reflected on the CSD waterfall [Graph 2], though the treble unit is cleaner and with a fair 30kHz extension (–6dB re. 10kHz). Response errors are still low at ±2.9dB (re. 200kHz-20kHz) and pair matching is spectacular at 0.2dB if we ignore the 2.1dB ‘step’ difference above 15kHz. The (treble) grille brings its own variations from 5-10kHz [blue trace, Graph 1].

Sensitivity is bang-on Canton’s 87dB specification at both 1kHz and 500Hz-8kHz although the ‘4-8ohm’ impedance rating is busted between 26-62Hz where it falls below 4ohm, reaching a minimum of 3.5ohm/31Hz. There’s also a big dip in phase angle to –59° at 12Hz which helps keep the EPDR below 4ohm from 8Hz all the way up to 1kHz, and delivers a current-hungry low of 1.4ohm at 26Hz. That said, bass output is limited to a diffraction-corrected 49Hz (–6dB re. 200Hz) even with the potent port tuning at this same frequency. PM

ABOVE: Response inc. nearfield summed driver/port [green], freefield corrected to 1m at 2.83V [yellow], ultrasonic [pink]. L, black; R, red; ±15°, grey; grille, blue

ABOVE: Mistermination/cone modes are visible up to 1.5kHz although the treble dome is far ‘cleaner’

Hi-Fi News Measured Specifications:

Sensitivity (SPL/1m/2.83V – 1kHz/Mean/IEC) 87.0dB / 87.1dB / 85.9dB
Impedance modulus: minimum & maximum (20Hz–20kHz) 3.5ohm @ 31Hz
19ohm @ 1.75kHz
Impedance phase: minimum & maximum (20Hz–20kHz) –52° @ 20Hz / +41° @ 815Hz
Pair matching/Resp. error (200Hz–20kHz) 2.1dB / ±2.9dB / ±2.9dB
LF/HF extension (–6dB ref 200Hz/10kHz) 49Hz / 29.5kHz / 29.1kHz
THD 100Hz/1kHz/10kHz (for 90dB SPL/1m) 0.3% / 0.45% / 0.3%
Dimensions (HWD) / Weight (each) 450x260x390mm / 18kg
Canton Elektronik GmbH
Canton Elektronik GmbH + Co. KG, Germany
Supplied by: Signature Audio Systems, UK
Telephone: 07738 007776