Made in Maidstone Also in HFN this month in 1999

Las Vegas Show Report
New products seen at the Consumer Electronics Show.
The culture of copying now
that we are in a digital age.
Cable directionality and distortion mechanisms.
Brief Encounters
Edmund Audio ESI 10, Creek Audio OBH-14, TLC Classic 1 and the Audiovector C1.
Shearne Phase
The long-promised Phase 7 CD player meets Phase 2 amplifier.
Diapason Karis
An Italian mini-monitor with more than its share of style.
Pioneer DVD-717
Company's latest 96kHz/24-bit DVD player, in a deluxe package.
Michell Gyro SE
Gyro without the 'Dec', now made even more affordable.
SU-C3000 preamp and SE-A3000 power amp combination.
AVI Bigga-Tron
A sealed box speaker suitable for nearfield monitoring.